
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Working on...

I have tons of 2-1/2 inch strips, so I went to Bonnie's site and found a great pattern.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Working on...

Before I show the quilt, I have to tell a short story. I love to tease my mother. When she said she wanted a table runner, I made her twenty (so far.....). One year I decided that I'd give her gifts with an apple theme. I haven't stopped yet. People come into her home and wonder if she's a retired school teacher. She's not, but there are apples EVERYWHERE.

Here's another apple for the non-teacher:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fifty Finishes

Can I finish fifty projects this year? I'm certainly going to give it a try.


The top (40x40) was pieced at least a year ago. The quilting was completed sometime last fall. The binding was finished last night during American Idol. I'm sure that this quilt will be given away shortly, but it doesn't have an intended destination as yet.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Working on.....

As most quilters do in January, I have pledged to deal with the hundreds of pounds of fabric that have made their way into my sewing room. I started with the little pieces:

These will grow into a full-grown quilt some day.

Did you notice the ruler printed on the table? It's my new sewing machine table that houses my new sewing machine. I'm officially in love. I've been sewing on a Janome Gem Gold for several years and it's a great machine. I finally graduated to a big-girl machine and it's sweet. If only I had more time to sew......

Financial News

In these uncertain financial times, it's very comforting to know that I have amassed a lifetime supply of...........

Can you say 'lip gloss addict?'

Monday, January 05, 2009

Better than Chess

I pride myself on being in the know about the latest books. I was tickled to discover a brand new book*.... Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I am absolutely hooked and can't wait to read others in the series.


This book was published when I was in the tenth grade.