
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Quick Trip to the Store

After work tonight, I headed out for a quick trip to the local mall.  The Dubai Mall.  THE MALL, apparently.

This mall had it's own aquarium:

Fun shops:

Beautiful chandeliers:

There was a stage below this chandelier with a string group playing delightful music.  "Bittersweet Symphony" was one of the songs I heard.

If you were tired of shopping, too tired to walk, there was help.  Taxi cabs inside the mall:

There was a five-story water feature:

Please be impressed that I got close enough to the railing to take this photo.  I'm practicing not being afraid of heights in case I get to go to the Burj Khalifa (aka the tallest building in the world).

I had dinner at a divine Lebanese restaurant.  Look at those fluffy pitas:

The queue for taxicabs was really long, so I decided to drive this car back to my hotel.

Or was it this car?

So yes, this place was just a little bit fancy and I'm so glad I got to see a bit of Dubai tonight!


  1. I guess it's gonna be the memory of a lifetime! I'm surprised you didn't see the ski slopes. The hubs can be as jealous as he wants to be :))))

  2. If you decide to go to the Burj what ever you do don't take the glass elevator. I got on it thinking I'd be ok but thought I'd have a heart attack less then halfway up. I was in the express elevator so no stopping to get off I thought I was going to die and my girlfriend thought I was joking never again will I do that.
