
Monday, March 10, 2014

It's About Time

Lately, it seems like everyone I know is struggling with not having enough time to get stuff done.  Having been self-employed for 20 years, I understand this struggle.  During those years, I think I've read every book and article on the subject.  I've tried different time management systems and patched together a system that works for me.  I'm always open to finding a better way to manage my time, but I now have a fairly realistic view of how I spend my time.

Every time I am asked about time management, I recommend this book:

Getting Things Done by David Allen.

I own a hardback copy of this book.  I own the kindle version of this book.  I own the Audible download version of this book.  I've probably read it 20 times.  Each time I read it, I learn a new strategy for keeping myself on track.

If you are asking yourself how to get your stuff done, I would suggest that you read this book.  If buying a book is out of reach right now, don't forget to check your local library.  I would guess that most libraries would have a copy of this on the shelf.

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