
Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 65

There is a lot of learning going on in the UK today!

I had another fun day of Handi Quilter Sweet Sixteen classes at The Cotton Patch.  Today I taught day one of "Take A Chance on Quilting"

The students are learning machine quilting techniques while flipping a coin or rolling a die, letting fate decide which elements are quilted where and in which color.

The students are FANTASTIC!  Every teacher would love a group as great as this one is!

The shop is putting on a great lunch every day:

Mmmmmmmmmmm, tarts:

They bought "New York Style" cheesecake, just for me:

It was yummy, yet somehow didn't remind me of home.

I learned something today.  These are "crisps" not "chips":

These are "chips" not "fries":

Now you know.

Dinner was fabulous.  I learned about Yorkshire pudding:

And another view:

I would consider this close to a "popover" from home.  I ate it with roast beef and gravy.  Mmmmmmmm.

The waitresses here must all be in cahoots.  I was forced, yet again, to eat chocolate cake:

If it had been served cold it would have been called cake, but since it was served warm it was called a "pudding."  No, not all English is the same.

Now back at my hotel, I wanted to show you the best hairdryer I have ever used outside of the United States:

It is hung under a shelf above the "air conditioning unit."  Summer here is quite a bit cooler than summer in New York.

I learned things at my hotel, too, but only after a guessing game.

Which one is salt?  Which one is pepper?

I found out the hard way that the salt shaker only has one hole in it.

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