
Friday, July 25, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 75

The Quilt Basket has the entire line of American Made Brand fabrics.  50 solids for 50 states.  The cotton is grown in the US, the fabric is made in the US, and it's $6 a yard.  What's not to love???  When I couldn't decide how many yards of a particular color to get, I will confess to buying the bolt.  Once I make the quilts, I will quilt the quilts on my American-made quilting machine -- Handi Quilter!!!

I spent my day at Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA working in the Quilt Basket booth.  I cut fabric and spread Handi Quilter love.  Doesn't that sound like the recipe for a perfect day?

After work, I had a ginormous burger.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  The size of the burger should have clued me in to the size of the dessert:

This was a half-baked chocolate chip cookie sundae. These desserts were the size of our heads!!!  After the waitress put our desserts on the table, this happened:

Her:  "Can I get you anything else?"
Us:  (crickets)

We were speechless, staring at these huge desserts.  My oh my was it delicious!

I am back at the hotel now and it is time to do battle with the bedside lights.

It's a nice light, bright enough to bind a quilt.  Good thing, too, since I have to bind a quilt and ship off to a magazine on Monday morning.  Bright is a good thing, but "on" is really important, too.  Have you ever needed instruction to turn on the light?


Me neither, but there's a first time for everything.

Silly me, I thought that finding this switch would take care of the problem:


The issue is with the plug.  This light is plugged into this outlet:

This outlet is run controlled by this light switch:

Can't see the light switch?  It's over here:

No, really.  Look closely:

It is no problem at all to turn on the light switch when I get into the hotel room, then cross the living room and get into bed.  That works.  I could even use the switch on the light to turn the light off.  The problem is that the light switch is a timer and shuts the light off every 30 minutes.  Am I the only person who sits in bed binding a quilt for longer than 30 minutes?  How about reading?

So, every 30 minutes throughout the evening, I get out of bed to stumble across the room in the dark and turn the light back on.

I would really love to give some helpful hints to whomever thought that this was a good idea.

I think that the half-baked cookie was the perfect antidote to the half-baked light switch design.


  1. You need to wave at the switch, so it know you are in the room.

  2. What hotel was this?

  3. Sheri, it was a Ramada.
