
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 82

Tonight I am in a beautiful hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan:

Gorgeous, right?

Earlier today, I was in Detroit airport.  If you've never been there, you have missed seeing this:

Pretty cool.

My flight from Detroit to Grand Rapids boarded on time and pulled away from the gate 10 minutes early.  That's when the trouble began.  We sat and waited in a cramped, hot airplane for another hour and half before we took off.  There was bad weather and they had to work on re-routing all of the flights away from the storm.  I noticed when I was boarding the plane that the jetway was filled with baby strollers, and none of the babies, parents, or passengers enjoyed sitting for a few extra hours in a hot plane.

I have a great video montage of the babies crying in surround-sound, but the internet at this hotel is having trouble uploading and I could only upload that short video.  Sorry you missed it.

When I finally landed in Grand Rapids, the airport welcomed me with this sign:

Are you in Grand Rapids for Quilt Week?  Come visit the Handi Quilter booth and say HI!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was there, my sweet Lily is there!

    Happy Sewing
