
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 86

What a whirlwind!  I blinked and AQS Quilt Week in Grand Rapids was OVER!

I spent all of my time in the Handi Quilter booth.

Before the show opened today:

This is what the booth felt like during show hours:

(ants that I saw on the sidewalk on my way to work this morning)

This is what my day was like at the end of teardown tonight:

There was a piano bar across the street from the hotel and we were hungry and they served food and...  Yeah, we had a bit of fun.

In case you are thinking that my week was perfect and my hotel is perfect and my life is perfect, I need to show you the darker side of my week.

First, none of the restaurants I visited served chocolate cake.  Can you imagine?

Then, this was the view from my hotel window:

If that wasn't bad enough, this is how I plugged my computer in so I could catch up on Facebook while sitting in bed:

Oh the unspeakable horror!

Don't you feel awful for me?

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