
Friday, August 29, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 90

I left Salt Lake City today.  Boo hoo!  I love spending time with my Handi Quilter family and I miss them when I leave!

I am down in Moab now, and my new hotel room has a feature I've seen many times before but suddenly today struck me as funny:

Someone decided that it was necessary to build furniture specifically to house the mini-fridge in a hotel room.  It's a box with no real function.  Maybe I'm tired, but this really got me laughing today.

I don't have any other hotel pictures because there are many more beautiful things to see:

I spent the rest of the day following this sign:

Some days are really tough, y'know?

There will be little quilty news for the next few days, as I am seeing amazing places I've never dreamed of before!

1 comment:

  1. We loved Arches & Moab! (I've got a photo of Jacob holding balanced rock. :o0)
