
Thursday, September 04, 2014


Eighteen years ago today, I met one of my two best friends.  I know that "best" implies that there is only one, but I have two.  I refuse to choose between them; they'll just have to fight it out.


SO, I met one of my two best friends 18 years ago today.  It was the first day of kindergarden for each of our #2 children, both daughters.  We met at the busstop as the girls eagerly ran onto the bus and we pretended to be glad to see them go.  We consoled each other and became instant friends.

During the last 18 years, we have laughed together, cried together, given advice, received advice, listened, blown off steam, and spoken difficult words that could have ended our friendship but only served to deepen it.  We have very different lives and don't see each other in person very often, but we know that the other is only a phone call away.  Each of us feels that we have the better part of the friendship deal, and we're both right.

I am out of town and am sad to not celebrate our friend-a-versary with this dear woman in person.  She willingly gave me a raincheck and I'll cash it in next week once I return home.

For a fair and balanced post, I met my other best friend about a year and a half later at a quilting class; the date eludes me but she is every bit as valuable to me as my other friend.  She is the older sister/young aunt that every woman wishes for.  She has spoken wisdom into my life and I have tried to follow what I have learned from her.  I'm a better mother and wife because of her influence.  We no longer live in the same state, but email and phonecalls keep us connected.  We are now both grandmothers and, since our grandbabies are different genders, we agree that each other has the cutest granddaughter/grandson on the planet!

I hope that you have friends in your lives like these women.  They are gifts from God and I can not imagine my life without them.

How do you celebrate the friends in your life?

1 comment:

  1. :0)
    Can't believe it has been that long ago can you Dear Friend?
    Here's to the next 20 years...cheers.

    Hugs and Happy Sewing
