
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 101

I am in New Hampshire, tucked into my hotel and ready to teach at Bits 'n Pieces in Pelham tomorrow.  I love that little shop!  The students there are like family.

On my two days at home, I worked hard prepping for this event:

I wound bobbin after bobbin, preparing for my hotel room sewing.

This room has everything I need:

Diet Cherry Limeade from Sonic -- check
Sewing machine, rotary cutter/mat/ruler -- check
pins, scissors -- check
Netflix on laptop -- check

What more could a gal ask for?

What's that?  Cake?



  1. More light, hotel rooms never have enough!

    I have given up sugar and finally have lost my craving for it...down almost 10 pounds.

    Happy Sewing, that is what is on my agenda today.
