
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 103

I spent another fun day at Bits 'N Pieces in Pelham, NH.  We worked through the Fun of Finishing and Feathered our hearts out.  These quilters were master featherers and my brilliant bag was in high use today!

After work, I got down to the serious business of hotel room sewing.  I had a goal and I met it tonight -- to finish piecing this Halloween quilt:

I am now thinking about the quilting (of course!) and am torn.  Should I use a fun computerized Halloween pattern?  Or free-motion quilting including some spiderwebs.

Any thoughts?
Any suggested digital patterns?


  1. Oh, Spider webs would look great! But whatever you decide would be great too.

  2. spider webs and some spiders too!
    Nicely done Debby and congrats on that new pattern too. You are on a roll.

    Happy Sewing

  3. Unless you can haul your Sweet Sixteen to your next hotel room I vote for a lovely all-over pattern :_)
