
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 105

Hello, Rochester NY!

I had a long, Long, LONG drive up here today.  I felt powerless for most of the ride.  You see, my cell phone was at 60% when I got into the car.  I plugged the phone into the car to charge while I was driving, but that's when things went south:

  • After trying three different cords, I realized that the USB port in my car was dodgy.  
  • I pulled out my spare battery for my phone.  Sadly, I used it earlier this week and never re-charged it.  I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!  
  • I pulled out my laptop and tried to charge my phone from my laptop battery, but it didn't work.  When I stopped for lunch and tried to find a solution, I realized that in addition to the USB port in my car being shady, the cord I chose to use to charge from my laptop batter was iffy at best.  I pulled out another (working!) cord and depleted my laptop battery during the remainder of my drive.
Do you know how shaky I was without a fully charged cell phone during a 7-hour drive?  I normally listen to books from my phone, or talk on the phone, or (voice-activated) text from my phone while driving.  It was the longest. drive. EVER!

Now that I am in my hotel room, my spare battery is charged up, my laptop battery is charged up, and my phone battery is at 100%.  I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON!

Tomorrow I will be teaching at Discount Sewing Center, but tonight I'm tucked away in my hotel room.  I tried to make it as much like home as possible:

Notice the shoe next to the foot pedal?  I told you I made myself at home!

It looks like Halloween fabric threw up all over the coffee table in my hotel room:

I had a huge collection of Halloween fabrics and I'm trying to use it all up.  I've made several quilts from this stash in recent weeks and now I'm working on another.  What shall I do with the fabric that is left?  I'm running out of ideas!

My desk is doing double duty as a cutting station:

Yes, I keep repeating
"I will not cut my charging cord."

"I will NOT cut my charging cord."
"I WILL not cut my charging cord."


  1. UGH...I hate when that happens, but you will never ever do it again :0).
    Happy Sewing in your home away from home. Happy Fall!

  2. Good to know my grandkids are not the only ones with quirky charge cords! The hotel room looks homey! Glad you made it ok and did not need your phone!
