
Monday, October 27, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 118

So sad.  Today was the last day of Quilt Market.  The folks in the quilt industry are the finest folks in the world and I can't wait to see them again in Minneapolis in May 2015.

I saw some fun things at Market today.

I saw these lovely pillows in the Red Rooster booth:

They were designed by the super-talented John Kubiniec.

I saw a quilt that I quilted:

This was in the Gen Q Magazine booth.  It was published in the September issue of their magazine.

I saw this fantastic quilt at the Kaleidoscope Kreator booth:

It was quilted by my lovely and talented friend Teri Lucas.

Now that I'm back in my hotel, I'm still thinking of quilts!

Check out my bedspread:

I love this quilting life!


  1. Awesome post!!! I'm already trying to connect so I'll be able to attend the show in Mpls next year!!! My little head gears are really turning!!!! Love the bedspread!!!!! Ha! Hugs................

  2. Night 118 ... wow. You go, girl!

