
Wednesday, October 08, 2014

House Diet

My house is on a diet.  I am trying to own fewer things.  I dream of being home and doing a major clean out, but alas, my teaching schedule doesn't allow for such concentrated effort.  Instead, I pick an item and move it along.  Many of the items that are moving along are quilts.

Here's another one:

I used to volunteer with a large group of teens and became close with several of the young girls.   Many of these young girls are married now and I've posted photos of their wedding quilts.  If "first comes love, and then comes marriage..." can you guess what has been happening a lot lately?


This is a quilt for a little girl that one of my little girls (grown up, now married) recently gave birth to.
Welcome to the world, small one!

1 comment:

  1. "Cleaning"/simplifying is a challenge for me, since I'm a "pack rat" type. Love the little tumbler quilt and its destination!!! Baby quilts are my all time fave to make (isn't it for all of us???).
