
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Organizing -- Day 11

I am away from home a large percentage of the year (115 nights so far this year).   I am very used to running through airports, changing hotels, dragging luggage around, standing in convention centers for 12-14 hours at a time, and other necessitites of the traveling life.

When I am at home, though, I love to be at home.  I nearly have to be dragged out of the house for errands and appointments and resist even putting on shoes.  Appointments and errands are necessary, though, and I try to get them done as quickly as possible so that I can get home and back to quilting!

I keep an "Errands" folder:

Every time I think of something that I need to do, I file it in my errands folder.  I also file coupons, shopping lists, and any other necessary papers.  While I am out, I will check my errands folder and try to knock off as many of them as I can.

Today I have to run to UPS to ship a box of kits to Houston Quilt Festival. While I am out, I will go to the Post Office to mail some paperwork to a future show and hopefully score some Rudolph stamps.  I will pick up bagels.  Mmmmmmmmmm.  I will also go to the bank and library.  Hopefully I will only be away from my studio for two hours and won't have to run errands again for several days.

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