
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Organizing -- day 7

My house is bursting at the seams with nearly three decades of accumulated marital possessions, and let us not mention the contents of my sewing room!

I want a soothing and peaceful house, uncluttered and organized.  I am good at organizing, so how hard will can this be?

I realized that I simply have too much to organize easily and must begin to own fewer things.  How do I decide what to keep?  How do I decide what to get rid of?

Whenever I come across an item that I'm not sure to keep or part with, I ask myself this question:

"If I lost this, would I pay money to replace it?"

If I wouldn't pay to replace it, I just might try and get rid of it now.

When I get rid of things, I try really hard to not throw them away.  I try to give things away to folks who can use them.

The easiest things to give away are quilting supplies.  I can give them away at my guild meetings and when I'm teaching.  What quilter doesn't like free stuff???

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