
Saturday, November 08, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 126

The folks at the Quilters Depot in Pittsburgh, PA (my hometown) are treating me like royalty!  Last week they thoughtfully emailed asking if I had any dietary restrictions so that they could plan lunches.  How sweet!  I jokingly suggested a menu of Pittsburgh foods, and they served them to me for lunch today!

Homemade pierogies:

and chipped ham:

These are "back home" type foods, and they have another surprise for me tomorrow!

This afternoon's class was a bit exciting.  There was a car accident right in front of the shop.  We saw ambulances and fire trucks and police and tow trucks.  It got more excting when one of the drivers ran away from the accident on foot.  The police were in the shop asking if any of my students knew which way he ran.  The folks in the other car had a small child and they all were in the quilt shop keeping warm until Grandma and Grandpa could come and pick them up.  Like I said, exciting.

I think that no one was seriously injured, so that is the most important thing.  The sound of brakes and cars crashing is always an awful sound, though, isn't it?

After work, I met up with my mother's cousin for dinner.  Her daughter and I are the same age, but only met a few times while I was growing up.  One of the best parts of traveling is connecting with family as an adult.  It's such a sweet time.

It was also a sweet dinner.  You'll never guess what I had for dessert:

I could only eat a few bites, so this just might be breakfast tomorrow.

I'm back in my hotel.  The photographs on the wall are of Pittsburgh landmarks.



  1. Ahh, that cake makes me drool... :)

  2. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Me too! I miss Pgh! Thanks for sharing food photos, too. YUM.
