
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 128

I am in Wilmington, DE tonight, snuggled in my hotel room to avoid the white precipitation that is falling from the sky.

The hotel is pretty:

This room is HUGE.  I was debating bringing my sewing machine, table, and other stuff to work in the evenings.  Now I wish I had!

Check out the upholstery on this chair:

Future quilt alert!

I was faced with three options tonight:

1.  go into the weather for food
2.  eat alone in the hotel restaurant (I'm biased against them for personal/safety reasons)
3.  order in pizza (I'm in NY pizza snob)

I chose option 4:

Order in pasta and salad instead of pizza.


I can't wait to meet my students at Hayes Sewing Machine Company tomorrow morning.  I have taught here before and I already know that the quilters in this area ROCK!


  1. #4 choice was definitely the way to go!!!! I'm sure your class will 'rock'!!!!

  2. On a serious note, what is there to do in Delaware? We are not beach people.

    My son is sort of collecting states (The might be my only way to get to Hawaii eventually) & Delaware is close, but we can't find a reason to go there.

    I've heard of Winterthur & that kind of leaves me with a "meh."
