
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hotel Tour of 2014 -- night 130

Today was my last day teaching at Hayes Sewing Machine Company.  I always love teaching at this shop!

As expected, the students rocked.  They say hi!

I taught a feather class this afternoon, and Frank found his feather:

I am packed and ready to head home tomorrow and am excited with some of the treasures in my car.  Namely these:

I recently inherited these two machines from my husband's family.  One is my husband's grandmother's machine and one is his great-grandmother's machine.  I really want to make a quilt on each one and knew that I could trust Hayes Sewing Machine Company to fix them for me (or tell me that they were beyond repair).  Yes, I drove my machines through four states to have them repaired.  I am going home with both machines in good working order, and I couldn't be more excited!

If you find yourself in or near Wilmington, Delaware, I highly recommend a trip to Hayes.  They are some of the best people I know.


  1. Too bad we didn't see Frank's face he was really working those mouth and jaw muscles to get those stitches right!
    Congratulations on your inheritance, lovely that they both work beautifully.

    Happy Sewing and safe trip home

  2. What a treasure trove, Debby ... not only to have these valuable family heirlooms, but actually be able to USE them!

    I bet they're gonna make you smile every time you sit down and keep company with one or the other!

    Cool ...
