
Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Favorites

I am fifty-minus years old and am well into the "why did I walk into the kitchen?" stage of life.  I have to write everything down, else I will forget it.  Sometimes even that isn't enough.  I now highlight the most important parts of the do-not-forget lists, which brings me to my favorite:

I use regular Frixion pens to mark my piecing lines in quilting, but I'm too chicken to use them to mark quilting lines on the front of my quilt.  I was recently shocked/delighted to discover they have highlighter markers, too.  I have never tried to erase the highlight, but this is truly a great marker.  I will shed a tear or two when this runs out.  Oh, and it's pink!  Wouldn't this be even cooler in lime green?  I'll have to do a little research.

I am already a few trips into my 2015 travel season.  I have a secret weapon when I travel:

Mary Koval bought me this adorable (and useful!) Hello Kitty zipper pouch and it is perfect for keeping all of my folders contained in my backpack when I travel.  Thanks, Mary!  I think of you every time I touch it.

Speaking of touching, I touch fabric and thread all day long.  I used to work as a secretary and thought that handling paper all day was the worst thing that I could do for my hands.  I think that fabric is just as bad!  I have been hoarding this chocolate hand cream for a few years and am on one of my last jars:

This smells divine and helps keep the skin on my hands... well... on my hands!  This jar lives on my desk and I dip into it regularly.

Does anyone know of any chocolate hand creams or perfumes/body sprays on the market now?  If so, please post a link in the comments.  I don't know what I will do when my current supply runs dry!

1 comment:

  1. Here you go, Debby:

    Actually if you google chocolate scented hand cream - you'll get a lot of them.
    Frixion in pink! Now I have something else to go google.

    Once a research librarian, always a research librarian -LOL.
