
Sunday, January 04, 2015

Getting it Together

I've been trying to get organized my entire life.  I don't think I'll ever fully succeed at it, but I've learned a few things over the years.

The number one life-changing thing I did to help me get organized was...

Get a smartphone?

Go to the Container Store and buy a bunch of little boxes to store my belongings?

Hire a personal organizer?

Can you guess what it might be?

Here's a hint:

If you guessed "installed a hook for my keys" then you would be correct!

Are you shocked?

I bought this hook nearly 20 years ago.  I have moved it from my previous home to this one.  My keys are either in my hand, walking to the car, or on this hook.  Always.  I never have to look for my keys in my house.  Never.

When my children were teens and still living at home, my driveway would be full of their friends' cars and my house would be full of keys.  Sometimes, to feed the hordes of hungry teens, I would have to move their keys from the counters and tables.  Any teen looking for his/her keys would be instructed to check "the hook."

This system has never failed me.  I have implemented many other "get organized" systems since then, but none have been as successful as "the hook."


  1. In every house I live there was a hook for keys, but when I got home there is always something that attracts my attention and I forget the hooke and my keys. So half of the times I am looking for my keys and my organised husband is shaking his head!!!!

  2. In every house I live there was a hook for keys, but when I got home there is always something that attracts my attention and I forget the hooke and my keys. So half of the times I am looking for my keys and my organised husband is shaking his head!!!!

  3. Living where we do, the keys have been left in the ignition!!! Yup, I did say that! Even overnight when parked in the drive....but then a rash of rural thefts (not vehicles) changed that a bit. Cars in the garage have the keys in the console but we do lock our homes now overnight and when gone for lengthy periods of time (although, we do leave our doors unlocked in super subzero case a stranded traveler would need assistance). Ah yes, the times they are a changin'!!!!
