
Monday, January 26, 2015

Quilt of the Week

One of my resolutions for 2015 was to quilt more.  You might ask, "Debby, but don't you work in the quilt industry?  Don't you basically quilt every day?"  Well, yes, I do, but it's not very often that I get to sit and play with a quilt just because I want to.

Well, no more!

I made a teeny scrappy block from the leftovers of my first Vacation Time block:

I decided to add a little more fabric to the block and find some fun threads:

Then I sat down and quilted my heart out.  This was the result:

The quilt is only 11-inches x 11-inches.  It's teeny, it didn't take very long to quilt, it isn't perfect, and I HAD SO MUCH FUN!

I gave this quilt to a colleague.  Now I'm looking through my orphaned quilt blocks to see if I can make another little play quilt, just for fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun, fun piece of artwork! I will be copying you in the near future. :) Love the bright thread on black.
