
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Getting it Together -- on the road

I was in Denver this week.  It was beautiful!  It was 70*F and sunny and I ate lunch outside and wasn't wearing a coat.  Why don't I live in Denver?

I tried to fly home yesterday, but it was not meant to be.  This winter is becoming one for the record books.  I flew to Detroit and then this happened:

I officially hate winter.  I guess I am grateful that I wasn't flying in the awful weather, but mostly I'm just bummed about spending yet another night in a hotel away from my husband.  And it was Valentine's Day.  Happy belated Valentine's Day, sweetie!  Also, I have no hand-sewing with me here and I'm going nuts.

So, no hand-sewing, but this is what I do have:

If it is inside of my travel bag, I have it with me.  If it is not inside this one little travel bag, then I don't have it.  The airline keeps custody of luggage when they cancel a flight.  Good times.

What I do have:

  • my computer
  • a book
  • a Kindle
  • my datebook/planner
  • pen and paper
  • necessary medications
  • comb
  • toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • phone charger (ok, 3 phone chargers.  Yes, I'm paranoid)
  • snack crackers
  • mints
  • a wool wrap
  • driver's license
  • credit card for booking a hotel tonight
  • cash for tipping the shuttle driver and the pizza guy.  Also good for the soda machine at the hotel.
  • phone with contact list, including priority airline re-booking phone number for super-travelers like me.  Also including the number of a hotel that has a restaurant and good internet speed.  I've been stuck in Detroit before.

What I do not have:

  • MY WINTER COAT!!!!  I packed it inside my suitcase.  I know better than this!

Oh well.  I had it mostly together and wrapped myself in my wool wrap to keep from getting frostbite while waiting for the hotel shuttle.  I had everything that I absolutely needed to get me through one night at the hotel.

Fingers crossed that I can get home to my husband sometime today?


  1. Hopefully by the time I read this your on your way home! Safe travels!

  2. You certainly know how to pack a "survival" bag. I hope you make it home today.

  3. brrrr ...

    let's hear it for that wool wrap, Debby!

    safe travels, friend!


  4. Hope you are nice and snug at home now. Could you send us some of your cool weather
