
Monday, February 02, 2015

Quilt of the Week -- Play Time!

I promised myself that I would do more "fun" quilting this year.  I just grab fabric and thread and batting and start to play!

I found a pile of orphaned four-patches and then pulled some matching fat quarters:

Those four-patches are leftover bits from my travel quilt that has been to many different hotel rooms with me over the last decade.   

I stitched on some of the coordinating fabric:

Then I began quilting on Hazel, my sweet Sweet Sixteen  I love my Handi Quilter Mini Scallop Ruler and used it to quilt some diagonal lines through the center of my quilt:

I also love my Handi Quilter Oval Rulers and used them to stitch continuous curve in the four-patch:

If stitching one curve is good, two curves must be better:

Back to the Mini Scallop ruler for stitch in the ditch:

What this quilt every quilt really needs is some lots of ribbon candy:

Back to the Mini Scallop ruler for some parallel lines, stitched a perfect quarter-inch apart:

Pebbles, anyone?

I had some space to fill and stitched a million feathers, long and lean:

Nearly done:


I used two different threads in this quilt, both Clover 50-weight silk variegated.  Yummo!

I gave this quilt to a colleague, but I have more of those orphaned four-patches.  Hmmmmmm....... I think I might have to start playing again right away!

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