
Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Illusion of Progress

I am cleaning out my sewing room and starting to see some improvement.  It's time to take a small step backwards.

Last week I was cutting up the fabrics from my scrap bin into usable bits, and this week I'm sewing together the parts that were too small to cut up.

Sewing these little bits together is doing diddly squat toward a cleaner sewing room, but it makes me feel like I'm making progress.  Don't ruin this for me, ok?

Recently I unearthed this book from my swag bag at International Quilt Festival:

and also this book from my friend Victoria:

I am obsessed with them individually, but more obsessed with them both together.

I might be combining these two books with some of my little bits of sewing, all in the quest for a clean sewing room, naturally.

Stay tuned.


  1. It's the obvious thing to do to help clean up the sewing room! Love the "made fabric" piece!

  2. This is really weird...I was doing the exact same thing yesterday....It took hours and i used up a couple handfuls of scrap batiks. I have no idea what I'll use the made-fabric for.

  3. HI!!! Very pretty!!!! Of course this is exactly what one should do when organizing!!!! Love it!!!! Mixing the two books together seams to be working great for you!!!!! I need to do some organizing!!!! Thank You

  4. Naturally :0)
    A lesser woman just couldn't do both at the same time!

    Happy Sewing and come on down and help me organize my sewing room too!

  5. 1. Are you going to Mid-Atlantic? (Jacob & I will be there on Saturday, we arrive late on Friday.)
    2. Do your scraps start out that way or do you cut them haphazardly & then sew them together - or do you slash after you sew?
