
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Between Quilt Shows

I spent last week at Quilt Week in Lancaster, PA.  Other than starting the week with a bad cold, I had so much fun!

The fabulous Lisa Sipes was teaching in the Handi Quilter classroom for the week:

I ran into the amazingly talented Janet Atkins and got her to pose in front of her first-place winning hand-quilted quilt:

This woman is an Ah-Ma-Zing quilter and I'm thrilled that she won!

Teri Lucas thought Janet was something special, too:

I met up with so many wonderful friends and students at the show, but it was crazy-busy and I barely got to say "Hi!"

I was, however, interviewed by a reporter.  I can't find the link in the online paper, but this showed up on YouTube:

I was still rocking the deep voice in that interview and WOW! I talk fast!

By the end of the show, I was feeling well and healthy (take THAT, stupid cold!) and wanted to be well and healthy at home.  I packed to leave:

and am now in the middle of a whole week at home!  Wheee!  Fabric is flying here in my studio and I can't wait to show you what I'm doing.

Soon I will leave for OSQE in Cleveland, OH.  Will I see you there?

Check my calendar for a full list of my classes.  I hope to meet up with you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb
    Only a month to go before we see you in Oz, counting the sleeps.
