
Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Favorites -- gifties

I don't know how I got so lucky.  I love my job and work with amazing people.  I met up with a bunch of them at Quilt Week in Lancaster, PA last week.  These lovely ladies sent me home with suitcase that was heavier than when I arrived.

The fantastic Miss Julie thought I'd like to try out this machine quilting hoop:

Thanks, Julie!

A friend Vicki knows that I like Hello Kitty and mustaches.  She actually found them together:


My friend Susan thought I needed this sweet Hello Kitty clip:

She was right.

And a dear friend's family owns an olive grove. This is chocolate olive oil soap made from her very own olives:

I feel loved!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice friends.. I will be curious to read your comments on the quilting hoop once you try it.
