
Friday, March 06, 2015

Friday Favorites

This week, I was really feeling the love.  Some weeks are less wonderful than others for me, and this one was tough.  These lovely folks didn't know it, but they all sent smiles my way to brighten my days.

I taught at Sewing & Stitchery Expo last week and they have amazing volunteers.  One of the volunteers running my classroom knit (knitted?) me a scarf!

Thank you, Monika!  I love it!

One of my friends gave me a super-blinged Hello Kitty necklace:

See the bling?

Thank you, Charlotte!  She makes me smile every time I see her!

One of my students sent me some goodies from her Hawaiian vacation:

Hello Kitty fabrics and candy.  I'm feeling the love, Deb!

And a local friend left a gift for me at the library, knowing I'd show up there eventually:

She was sure to tell me that this wasn't a hint about my bad manners.  Cindy, thank you ever so much!

I'm not sure what I did to deserve such wonderful people in my life, but I'm feeling the love, y'all.  It definitely added some sparkle to this week!

1 comment:

  1. what fun!! i love the manners book... sweet
