
Friday, April 03, 2015

Best. Bag. Ever!

When I was at Quiltweek in Lancaster, PA a few weeks ago, a whole busload of quilters were carrying this tote bag:

I jumped for joy every time I saw a quilter walk by with that bag on her shoulder.  I love that quilt. I quilted that quilt.  SQUEAL!!!  The quilting even shows on the bag!  I am so excited!

I bought my own when I got home:

This quilt photo is from the fabulous Victoria Findlay Wolfe's newest book:

"MY" quilt is on page 64:

I was so honored when she asked me to quilt for her.  I was really nervous, too, as I talked about last year.  I am so thrilled to have quilted this quilt and even more thrilled that they chose "my" (OK, Victoria might have had something to do with that quilt, too ) quilt for the tote bag. 

These quilts are currently showing at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum.  If you are able to get there, take lots of pictures for me, OK?

This is an exciting week for me.  Did you hear my other exciting news?


The class isn't online yet, but it will be soon!

I had so much fun filming this class.  To celebrate, I'm giving away a class before you can buy it.  Sound good?  Click here for a chance to win!


  1. I love that bag also. I have two and I gave them as Christmas presents several years ago.

  2. I bet you want to grab anyone you see toting that beauty and say, 'look here, look at what I did!!'

    Really kinda exciting, Debby!

  3. Wait til you see the bag we're doing for Handi Quilter's Academy. It will then be your fave. Nancy.
