
Sunday, April 05, 2015

Pinterest: A Love/Hate Relationship

One of my children has a birthday that, most years, is near Easter.  I am kind of good at quilting.  I am kind of good at cooking.  I have no patience for baking and even less patience for cake decorating.  Despite these limitations, I do try.

A few years ago, my son's birthday landed directly on Easter and I actually did a great job on his birthday cake:

Score one for Mom!

This year, I found a different way to decorate the Easter birthday cake:

Hint:  that's supposed to be a sunflower.  I bought every yellow peep I could find, but that didn't look like enough.

I decided to mix some bunnies in with the chicks:

and now it looks like a mess.

At least the cake has layers?

Do you know what is better than my cake?  My Craftsy class!

The class isn't online yet, but it will be soon!

To celebrate, I'm giving away a class before you can buy it.  Sound good?  Click here for a chance to win!


  1. great segue! I like the cake-I don't think it's a mess. Congrats on the Craftsy class; hope it's a success for you.

  2. Hey there!!!! It's MY birthday today and I love Peeps!!!! Way to go!!! Registered for your class.....I know, there's always hints/tips that I need!!!! Easter Blessings!!!!!!

  3. You totally quack me up. I wonder if growing up and having a birthday that can fall on Easter is as bad as kids that have a birthday on Christmas? Bottom line - I think your cakes are lovely and I'm sure yummy too. And I'm sure the birthday kid enjoyed them and you made your day special. Of course, I'm still looking forward to being able to check out your new class. I'm sure it is wonderful too.

