
Thursday, April 09, 2015


This week has been a whirlwind!  My new class at Craftsy launched on Monday:

I have been busy with behind-the-scenes work for that class ever since the launch.  As I'm muddling through it, I keep getting the nicest notes from friends and students (who are really just friends, too).  Quilters are so lovely and I'm so honored that folks are taking the time to write nice things to me.  I can't express just how much that means to me.

While I'm not busy reading nice notes or handling details dealing with the class launch, I'm busy packing to teach at AQC in Australia next week.  I get to hang out with more quilters!  Wheee!

If I don't get to see you at AQC next week, maybe I'll see you at one of these events in 2015/2016!

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