
Monday, May 04, 2015

Dream a Little Dream

Have you ever dreamed of designing your own fabric?  Secretly, I have always dreamed that dream.  I signed up for Pattern Play (create a free account at Jeanne Oliver Designs to see the class page) so that the fabulous Bari J. can teach me to create patterns in Photoshop.

The class is a 5-day class starting on June 1 and Bari will be available to answer my questions during those first five days.  I'll have millions of questions.  After those days, I will be able to go back and watch the class over and over and over again as often as I need to.  I will need to do so frequently.

I already own Photoshop so it's high time I learned to use it to pursue my quilting dreams.  If you don't own Photoshop, don't worry; they have a 30 day free trial.  Hint:  sign up right before the class.

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