
Monday, June 29, 2015

Quilt Pic of the Week

This week's quilt pic is of quilted placemats.  Those count, right?

The fabric is Lazy Day from Riley Blake and these were bits left over from another quilt that I can't show you... because it isn't bound yet... and because it won't be delivered to the special birthday girl for another six weeks.

I took every last leftover piece of the Lazy Day fabric and stitched it with some plain white fabric.  I had some 1 1/2-inch x 21-inch strips, so they became rail fence blocks.  I had some leftover 2-inch squares, so they became checkerboards.  I quilted everything with white thread:

I bound the placemats in some plain red fabric.

Done! and Delivered!  Enjoy your placemats, Mom!