
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Safe at Home

I recently received a box in the mail.  It was from Meander Publishing, publishers of Modern Quilts Unlimited.  They sent back my quilt that was published in the Spring 2015 issue.

I made 'Dedication' to fit on my dining room table and now the quilt is in it's forever home.

Back when we first bought this house, my dining room was empty of all furniture and my husband bumped his head on the chandelier every time he walked from the kitchen to the living room.  I traded my quilting services for someone's old and unwanted dining room set just to protect poor hubby's head.  I replaced that old chandelier several years ago with a modern black and white one, but now I am in desperate need of new chairs.  Black ones to match the quilt, naturally.

1 comment:

  1. Love that runner!!! So 'fits' the space/ambiance!!! Dontcha just love the "trade" idea??!!!!????
