
Monday, December 01, 2014

Commitment Issues

I tend to over-commit to book series and television series.

Most recently, I've been consumed by the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child.  These are not "The Great American Novel" because 1.  they are written by a Brit and 2. they are just fun to read.

I just finished reading (listening to) Personal, #19 in this series.  I am now patiently waiting for the next book to be written and published.

These books are so much fun to listen to while I'm quilting or driving.  I like the narrator, they are fairly easy to follow, and they are quite entertaining.  I don't think everything in life needs to be serious; sometimes 'entertaining' is a high enough calling.

In case anyone is thinking, "I saw the Jack Reacher movie.  It was great!  I didn't know there were books, too," I warn you that you might not want to say this to me and just maybe we shouldn't be friends.  Tom Cruise IS NOT Jack Reacher.  I feel very strongly about that.


  1. I recently read all of them in order (I'm OCD like that) and really enjoyed the series - so fun. I agree about the movie. For one thing Tom is a foot shorter than Jack should be . . . If you ignore the fact that it's supposed to be Jack Reacher, the movie is ok.

  2. Debby .. agree, agree! the books are absolutely *awesome*. Like Lisa (above), I chose to read them in order so I could have a sense of the character building.

    I was sooo excited when I heard a Jack Reacher movie was going to be made! And then.. Tom Cruise!?!?

    You've GOT to be kidding. In NO WAY does Tom Cruise even marginally meet Jack Reacher's description! I think the only part that does match is that Jack's a male and so is Tom. But everything else? Nope.

    As a result, I was horribly disappointed by the movie. But the books? Wowsers! They are terrific!

  3. I couldn't believe it when they announced Tom Cruise was going to be in the movie - I agree, he is not Jack Reacher!
