
Monday, December 01, 2014

Grand Illusions -- clue 1

I am so excited to be working on Bonnie Hunter's Grand Illusions Mystery Quilt!  It comes at the perfect time -- right after I return home from 11 months of travel.  I look forward to this every year and working on it is my reward for working hard all year.

I'm making mine scrappy and in the colors that Bonnie recommended:

I've recently adopted a young quilter.  She has quickly sewn through every kit quilt I've prepared for her and is also looking forward to working on Grand Illusion.  I gave her yardage for her quilt:

I think this one will keep her busy for a while!


  1. What a lucky, lucky quilter to have you in her life. Love the colors you chose for her mystery. She is going to have so much fun!

  2. Bonnie's mysteries are such fun. Your blocks look really cute.

    How wonderful for your young adoptee to have your guidance for a fun project like this!

  3. I can't fathom 11 months of travel. Glad you have a chance to work on this one with a new quilter under your wing .
