
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Getting it Together -- Getting Rid of It

Last week, I talked about how I use my timer to help me get it together.  I showed a picture of an organized shelf.  After a week, I LOVE MY CLEAN SHELF!  It makes me smile every time I see it.
I like to smile and want to smile as often as I can, so I decided that I should try to make more clean shelves.

One day last week, in between periods of work, I started culling books from my shelves.  This was the result of one day's work:

I have seven bags full of books to donate to the library.  SEVEN!  In one day.   My shelves aren't empty and I still have a lot more work to do.  The odd thing is that none of these are quilting books.  I haven't even touched that shelf yet.  I'm afraid that it will hurt and I need to make sure there is enough medicinal chocolate in the house before I start.


  1. Such a great feeling, isn't it

  2. LOL - I'll have to remember to call it medicinal chocolate - love it. And those bags represent progress. Getting organized is a work in progress, so I invite you to link to WIPs Be Gone. You're bound to inspire someone to do the say - get organized by your method. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love this, Debby. A few months ago, I pulled together about 12 bags of books to donate - from shelves at work, shelves at home, and a bunch of used books that never sold online where I had them posted.

    You're right ... there's more to go through, but there's always a place to start.

    Good stuff. I love traveling light ...
