
Monday, January 19, 2015

Quilt of the Week -- one proud Momma!

This week's Quilt of the Week is not a quilt of mine.  This quilt was made by my young quilter friend.  A while back, I put together a quilt kit out of my fabric stash.  You may have read about it here.

Well, my young quilter friend got to work and finished her quilt:

I am so stinkin' proud of her!  And I love this quilt.  I machine quilted it for her, but I made her bind it herself -- Bwahahahahaha!

She, like most quilters I know, gave this quilt away to someone she loves.

I have given her fabric for two more quilts.  That should keep her busy for a little while.


  1. Hi Debby, I've tried to email you to ask you a question on quilting technique, but the email bounced back. Would you email me so I can try again?

  2. My first quilt was no where near this good. Your friend did a great job!

  3. Well done. She did a gret job!!! cOMPLIMENT.
