
Sunday, April 19, 2015

So so sad

I just returned from packing up my classroom after my last day at AQC in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  I'm sad to see it come to an end.

The catering at this show is top-notch:

But next to the desserts I saw this:

So if I drink a lot of this "skinny" milk, I'll be skinny?  Is that a promise?

It's a good thing that there is a lot of walking at this show:

I want you to meet Victoria.  She has been in every class I have taught in Australia ever:

She is an absolute delight and love the American flag fabric on the back of my samples.

Patrick is an amazing bloke and took good care of me all week.  Here we are rockin' our high-vis vests right before tear-down tonight:

The banquet last night was late and I was tired, but I was wide awake once Elvis called me on stage to serenade me:

I have a fairly good idea of who I should blame for these shenanigans.  Cough*Gary*Cough.

I've always heard the phrase "Elvis has left the building" but this time he took me with him:

If you are wondering what happened next, all I can say is "What happens in Australia stays in Australia."

So long, my Australian friends.  I will think of you fondly during all 31 of my travel hours tomorrow and for weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Your classes were an absolute delight, Debby. I was so sad when mine were over. Bon voyage for your return home. Thank you for coming to teach and inspire us!
