
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Traveling Fun and Gifties!

Ok, I lied. Traveling isn't always fun.

Early this week I flew from New York to Los Angeles to Sydney to Melbourne.  That is about 25 hours of in-fight time and was 36 hours of actual door-to-door travel. Does that sound like fun?

From New York to Los Angeles, I watched a few movies:

Edge of Tomorrow
This Tom Cruise movie was War of the Worlds meets Ground Hog's Day.  I had never heard of it but it wasn't terrible.

I had heard of this movie, but I didn't really know much about it.  Again, not terrible.

Children of Men
Another movie I had never heard of, and now I really want to read the book by P. D. James to see how the story was intended to turn out.

I was blessed with my own row of seats for my flight from Los Angeles to Sydney and got several hours of sleep. Fitful sleep, but still sleep.  I only managed to watch two movies for that entire flight:

Mockingjay part 1
I've read all of the books and now I've seen the latest movie.  It is interesting to see the books on screen.  They are different than they were in my head, but I'm willing to see the last one.

Christian Bale as Moses. Um, no.

I have to reverse this trip on Monday and am not looking forward to that, no matter how many movies I get to watch!

My students are keeping me busy and happy here, so I'm not thinking too much about that flight.  They are trying to bribe me into coming back again. It just might work!  They are using my favorite things against me:

Hello Kitty and Quilts of Valor:

And, of course, chocolate:

These lovely folks might just make me look forward to another 50 hours on an airplane!

Life at home continues without me, though, and I am trying to keep up with it as best I can.  One of my happiest notes from my real life is that my Craftsy students are posting photos of their quilting projects on the Craftsy platform. They are doing so well!

I guess it's a good thing that I have awful flights to look foward to; otherwise, I might believe that my life was too perfect!

1 comment:

  1. The film, which debuted last Sunday April 12, beat other national movies in theaters as the lighthearted comedy "How about we Get Married" or activity motion picture "Wolf Warriors" which earned since its debut on April 2, until the date demonstrated, 44 and 71 million, separately.
    Fast And Furious 7 Full movie
