
Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Favorites

As I've been struggling with jetlag, living 14 hours ahead of my husband, and constantly asking myself "What time is it, really?"  I have had the "why do I do this to myself?" thought more than once.  And then the quilt show starts and I remember why I volunteer for this abuse again and again and again.

I was at the quilt show early this morning.  Heck, I've been awake for hours, so why not?  The behind-the-scenes folks had everything ready to ensure that the students have a top-notch experience.  Morning tea service:

This lovely, lovely building and the quilts and vendors on the main level:

My students who remind me why I spend 50 hours on an airplane to be here:

If you can't read the writing on the tool box, it says "Touch my tools and die."

Creative, talented, generous, kind, fun students who are passionate about their quilting:

A huge thank you to the Handi Quilter folks who worked so hard to get this classroom set up for the week:

Enlarge the photo to get a close-up of her quilting.  I'm totally stealing her design.

Fun touches in my hotel room, like "cold and cold running water":

I am looking forward to my Friday class where we will rock the ribbon candy designs in class... all day long!

(Full disclosure, I am writing this at 3 am, because I am WIDE. AWAKE.  Jetlag is something special.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm living vicariously through your pictures, your story, Debby!

    And that building ... gorgeous!

    Have fun!
