
Thursday, April 16, 2015

You missed it!

If you missed the cocktail party at AQC last night, you missed my grand entrance to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.  In other years they've used Born in the USA and other national tunes. It's always fun to see what music Gary picks for his international introductions.

You also missed watching me dance to Hooked on a Feeling.  If you know me at all, you know that missing seeing me dance was a blessing.

I ended long before the party did.  Stupid jetlag.  I crawled home early and made a quick supper:

Bacon-onion-tomato pizza with all ingredients fresh from the Queen Victoria Market.  You missed the pizza, too.

It's amazing what can be cooked in a hotel kitchenette!

I can't wait for my first day of classes.  I met up with students from previous years at the party last night and now look forward to meeting my new students!

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