
Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Favorite

After four days of the worst laundry-drying weather ever, I am tickled that I have three loads of laundry on the line and they are all drying!  

Hanging clothes to dry is one of my favorite things in the whole world!  Yes, I'm easily amused.  My electric bill is lower, my clothes last longer, and they smell like sunshine.  Sigh.

Since today feels like a celebration, I'm also making my favorite dinner: vegan macaroni and cheese with breaded tofu:

I couldn't find the original picture, so this is a low-quality downloaded-from-Instagram photo of the last time I made it.  Tonight I will skip the broccoli since we ate it all last night, but I have spinach in the fridge so that'll do.

The recipe is from Isa Does It, the amazing cookbook that my favorite daughter gave me for my birthday this year.  I try to eat vegan whenever possible and have tried many not-really-cheese recipes.  None have ever come close.  This does.  It's not cheese because.... mmmm... cheese, but it's a darn tasty sauce that is now my favorite comfort food.  The breaded tofu recipe is in that cookbook, too.

So a week of icky (read: bad for hanging laundry) weather and a migraine yesterday means I deserve these favorites on this Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your comfort food. Anyone who has hung three loads of wash up deserves it! At least you are at home so you CAN hang laundry to dry.
