
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Operation: Clean the Studio

During the last few weeks, I was tickled to be involved with the #Springcleanyourstudio blog hop organized by Cheryl Sleboda.  I was inspired be seeing all of the lovely studios the other bloggers shared.  I also appreciated the incentive to clean up areas of my own studio.

Now that it's over, I decided to keep the cleaning alive.  My studio is cleaner, yes, but there is so much more to do!

This week, I attacked a flat surface -- the back of one of my longarms:

That is a huge pile of I-don't-know-what.  Some of it was filed and some of it was tossed.

I shelved the stack of magazines.  I had quilts or articles in each of those magazines, by the way.  They are all nicely organized on a shelf with all of the other magazines containing quilts or articles by/about yours truly now.  The batteries now have a new home in hubby's office; they are his problem now.  The ends of my trekking poles are now housed with the rest of my hiking equipment.  I have absolutely no idea how a) they ended up in my studio or b) how they found a semi-permanent home on the back of one of my longarms!

Here is my new and improved longarm table:

It is now free of clutter and ready to quilt a quilt.  Which one should I load next?

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