Friday, November 11, 2011

An exciting Friday night in New Hampshire

Last night, my foot pedal broke on my sewing machine. I have used this poor sewing machine for years and it owes me nothing more, but I packed a lot of sewing and now no machine. Nashua Sew and Vac to the rescue! Ruthie hooked me up with a new foot pedal and I'm back in business!

Look at what my new foot pedal accomplished tonight:

I finished a wedding quilt top for my sweet Alexis. She has been known to read my blog, so no photo. Sorry.

Another project started:

These are parts of a tablerunner from a kit I bought at least five years ago. Since I already have Mom's Christmas present (yay me for being early!), this may be for her birthday in the spring. I'm not afraid of a photo here: Mom doesn't go online... ever.

That's it for me tonight. Time for bed.

To help you dream quilty dreams, this is the carpet in my hotel hallway:

Wouldn't that make a great quilt?


Kim said...

Looks like some nice down time between teaching!

Happy Sewing getting those UFO's finished!

Bonnie said...

I have to say I read several postings of yours today. I am totally blown away by your skills -- the thread painting is wonderful. The quilting lines stay straight. The texture looks terrific. Great job.

And yahoo! for getting old blocks done and woppeee that the store could fix you up with a foot. Lots of good things happening around you.