Saturday, June 22, 2024

Book Report with Teri Lucas: Scrappy Wonky

The fabulous Teri Lucas and I had a delightful conversation about the fun new book Scrappy Wonky by Shannon Leigh Roudhan and Jason Bowlsby.  

I love scrap quilts (see my Color Blocks patterns/classes as proof).  I save 1 1/2" squares, 1 1/2" strips, 2 1/2" squares, and fat eighths.  Many of these scrappy quilt ideas could use some of my preferred scrap sizes while others use strings and crumbs and other sizes of scraps I fight hard to NOT save.

The quilted jacket pattern in the book drew me in immediately and it's now added to my list of "quilted jackets I hope to make."  That list gets longer and longer and yet.... no jackets have been made.  Weird how that happens.

Teri is very much NOT a scrap quilter, so it was interesting to see her thoughts on this delightfully inspiring book.

After watching this conversation, come back and answer my question (below) to enter to win an e-copy of the book!

Question:  What is the smallest size of scrap fabric you save?

Check out other reviews of this book:

  • Monday, June 17th – Virtual Book Tour Announcement on the C&T Blog 
  • Tuesday, June 18th – Becca from Sugar Sand Quilts Co. (Blog & Instagram)
  • Wednesday, June 19th – Lana Quilts (Blog & Instagram)
  • Thursday, June 20th – Red Bird Quilt Co. (WebsiteInstagram & Facebook)
  • Friday, June 21st – Teri at TerifiCreations (Website & Instagram)
    Friday June 21st – Debby Brown at Debby Brown Quilts ( Website Instagram)
  • Saturday, June 22nd – Mary from Mary Quilts (Blog)
  • Sunday, June 23rd – Barbara Emodi (Instagram)
  • Monday, June 24th – Lynn from Create Whimsy (Website & Instagram)
  • Tuesday, June 25th – QuayIn Stark (Instagram)
  • Wednesday, June 26th – Deb from QuiltBlox (Website & Instagram)
  • Thursdays, June 27th – Pat Sloan (Blog & Instagram)
  • Friday, June 28th – Raylee from Sunflower Stitcheries & Quilting (Blog & Instagram)


Donna said...

I save 1 inch strips and 2 inch scraps. Loved the interview and enjoy your scrap quilts. I have made your patterns.
I press like you, hot and steamy. What did you call it, something about hot side of the sun.

Janet Myers said...

I usually save 1 1/2" pieces and larger, but I do have a bin with 1" strips as well.

Sandal said...

My scraps tend to be in larger pieces, sorted by color family, until I have a project for them in mind. I do save strips-which are overflowing! And I save selvages for a special project I want to make. Anything smaller than 1” is tossed. said...

Ugh! I am currently saving almost all scraps - lots of strings, but also tiny pieces can be pieced together to make larger strings that go into string quilts, the smaller pieces make them even more interesting! But I am getting overwhelmed with the scraps - small pieces take even longer to make into quilts! And they do tend to multiply when you're not looking.