In an earlier post, I mentioned that I went back to college this semester. I'm taking an English course and we're just finishing up Othello. Being the library lover that I am, I requested several copies of Othello. They all came in while I was in Houston (which was awesome, thanks for asking). On Monday I went to the library to pick up
the movie starring Bob Hoskins:

the movie starring Ian McKellan (yes, from LOTR):

and the movie starring Laurence Fishburne:

The woman at the desk looked curiously at my three different copies of Othello movies. I explained that I was studying it in college and had a test on it this week. Her retort? "Did you know this is available as a book, too?" Cute.
In the interest of full disclosure, I also borrowed the audio cds of Othello:

The test was this morning and I'm hoping for a B or better. I still have to write a paper over the weekend. Whose bright idea was it to go back to school?