Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Teaching at Calico Gals in Syracuse NY

 I recently had the joy of teaching at Calico Gals in Syracuse NY.  I live only four hours away so we felt safe scheduling a Handi Quilter Longarm Quilting Event.  In Syracuse, NY.  In the winter.  Happily ,the weather cooperated and I had a super-easy drive there and back.  What happened in between the drives, though, was nothing but FUN!

We spent a whole day learning about the Pro-Stitcher, the computerized quilting system for the Handi Quilter machines.  

We spent another day learning all about longarm quilting basics and quilting with rulers.

Did you know that you can quilt using rulers on the Handi Quilter stationary longarms?

Quilting with rulers on the longarm machines on frames can cause some interesting hand positions!  We had fun experimenting with the best ways to hold straight rulers and curved rulers

I'm a "fiddler."  If I'm talking (and I'm always talking), I usually have something in my hands that I'm fiddling with.  Somehow, I ended up fiddling with this most impressive pair of scissors and had to be super careful about talking with my hands!  I'm happy to report that no one was injured as I gestured and that I quickly found something safer to fiddle with!

Calico Gals is a destination quilt shop.  Plan your road trip to visit this beautiful shop and their staff.  Stop in and pick up some fabric, BUT NOT THE SCISSORS!

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