Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Ho- Ho-Ho! A Santa Postcard Tutorial

I'm full of the holiday spirit and having fun making Christmas postcards like this Santa postcard:

If you want to make one yourself, here are the details:

Cut two pieces of red fabric 2 1/2" x 4" each and one white piece of fabric 2" x 4".

Stitch together.

Cut into two 2" segments.

Cut a piece of black fabric 2" x 6".

Stitch in between the red and white segments.

Cut two 3"x3" pieces of Steam a Seam 2* and a 3"x3" piece of yellow fabric and a 3"x3" piece of white fabric.

Using one piece of Steam a Seam 2*, fuse the white and yellow fabrics together.

Fuse the second piece of Steam a Seam 2* to the back of the white fabric.  Cut into a 2 1/2" square  with a 1"x1 1/4" rectangle cut from the center.  Set in place over the center of Santa's belt.

Using a pressing sheet, fuse the buckle to the postcard.

Place stabilizer behind the belt buckle.

Thread your machine with FabuLux Mellow Yellows thread and set the zigzag stitch to 4mm wide and .3mm long.

Zigzag around the outside of the belt buckle.

Zigzag around the inside of the belt buckle and remove stabilizer.

Fuse together 5"x6" white fabric, 5"x6" Peltex, and postcard front.  Cover Santa with a pressing sheet before pressing.

Trim to 4 1/4"x5 1/2" or use my Postcard Trimming Tool.

Still using FabuLux Mellow Yellows, set your machine to zigzag at 4.5mm wide and .4mm long

Zigzag around the postcard edges.

Set your machine to zigzag at 5.0mm wide and .2mm long.

Zigzag around the postcard edges a second time.


Write your Christmas greetings, address, and place in a cellophane envelope.

Ho Ho Ho!  Merry Christmas!
*Affiliate link.  If you purchase through an affiliate link I may, at no additional cost to you, receive a small commission to keep this blog and website running.


Crystal_235 said...

Love this!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Debby, do you mail in this envelope alone or place in a paper envelope to mail? Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!